Browsing Category: Videos

How to Respond to Hypothetical Questions

Hypothetical questions are one of the 6 question types reporters ask that we’ve identified in our Predictive Interviewing Model. "What if" questions are commonly asked in all sorts of...

Great Trick to be Quotable: The Rule of Three

When you want to be memorable or give a good soundbite in a media interview, think about the number 3. The appearance of threes in storytelling is referred to as a narrative triad. In t...

The Power of Example Stories

Media trainer Russ Rhea with the Predictive Media Network explains the importance of anecdotes and example stories. When you prepare your messages for a media interview, always come arm...

Great Strategy to Respond to Trap Questions

Pointing out a question is impossible to answer can often be an effective way to respond to a "no win" question. Media trainer Russ Rhea with the Predictive Media Network shows a terrif...